Bücher 2014
1.Paul Morley: Earthbound (SW)
7. Peter Ames Carlin: Bruce (SW)
8. Mary Roach: Bonk – The Courious Coupling of Sex and Science (SW)
9. James Salter: Alles, was ist (CC)
10. Saša Stanišić: Vor dem Fest (CC)
11. Teju Cole: Everyday is for the thief (SW)
12. George Orwell: 1984 (CC)
13. Tom Hillenbrand: Drohnenland (CC)
15./16. Donna Tartt: Der Distelfink (CC)
18. Morrissey: Autobiography (CC)
20. Roz Chast: Can’t we talk about something more pleasant? (SW)